Monday, July 6, 2015

Farewell for now...

Well guys i am afraid this is it.825 blog post later this will be my last one... for now anyways. Has some of you may know i started my new job today and it going to be full time and i wont have the time to blog anymore. Some of you beg me to blog on weekends but to be honest i don't feel like wasting my weekends by blogging plus i will be working on weekends also. Truth be told i have also lost my drive and the hunger i had for blogging so this is a good time has ever for me to stop.We had a good run i feel like i had the best and most updated blog out there and it was thanks to you THE PEOPLE.Thank you for making this a great experience thanks to you we have Destroyed many people has Guest520 would say. Surfrat,Haskel,StreamUp,Alki,Hairy the list goes on and on of people we have DESTROYED.We had some great nudes also thanks iMonica and others.With me gone i hope others pick the pace if a idiot like me can do 825 blog post and have around 6000-7000 people come to his blog a week everyone can.Anyways i hope you guys will come by and watch me on Twitch when i get my Xbox1 and you never know i may be back at some point if this job does not pan out but for now i want to focus on myself and not that shitty world of online Broadcasting.Thanks for reading and Goodnight
