to much asshole sniffing you got high lite up a cigarette and let the cig fall in your bed you cause the fire creep tf
Be interesting to know how the fire started but I thought he was homeless, staying with family or in hotels.
How he says it started He is very lucky a family just days before lost 7 kids in a NY fire.
I hope he and Straws didn't come up with this for a troll? If so that would be pretty damn disgusting.
baby dick be angry
That faggot took a picture of a youtube video fire and is talking about "I was just in a fire" hahahaha
434 thats exactly what i was just gonna say.. THERES BEEN 2 FIRES IN NYC..NOT TONY BTW,,AND HE JUST TOOK AN IMAGE FROM IT..LOL
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to much asshole sniffing you got high lite up a cigarette and let the cig fall in your bed you cause the fire creep tf
Be interesting to know how the fire started but I thought he was homeless, staying with family or in hotels.
How he says it started He is very lucky a family just days before lost 7 kids in a NY fire.
I hope he and Straws didn't come up with this for a troll? If so that would be pretty damn disgusting.
baby dick be angry
That faggot took a picture of a youtube video fire and is talking about "I was just in a fire" hahahaha
434 thats exactly what i was just gonna say.. THERES BEEN 2 FIRES IN NYC..NOT TONY BTW,,AND HE JUST TOOK AN IMAGE FROM IT..LOL
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