Monday, April 20, 2015

Slaya vs Mrs Walsh


Anonymous said...

Mrswalsh is probably just some troll pretending to be female.

Anonymous said...

Slaya is a fat, bloated, red faced, bacon neck whore and she's pissed about Joe Walsh's new "No Whores!" policy.

Anonymous said...

"Bacon necked whore" LMAO

Anonymous said...

Whether mrswalsh is, or is not Joe's actual gf doesn't much matter... the fact is that she is a gigantic hindrance to Joe's effort to regain his rightful place as 'King of Vaughnlive'

If he has ANY hope at all to regain his crown, he needs EVERY whore he can get... both male & female!

Anonymous said...

I don't think MrsWalsh hurts his casts whatsoever. She is funny. It is for laughs I think. I think she is just trying to mark her territory. Having no whores did not hurt his cast, you saw he had more viewers than Bubba, when Bubba was in the #1 spot, Joe would have been #1 but he is shuffled. This was all without any whores in the room! He doesn't need the whores to help make him King, no man needs whores to make him King. He will do just fine without the vaughnsluts.

Anonymous said...

Joe is a Warrbuck pedo supporter, he should be shunned and fucked with exactly how Warrbuck is.

Anonymous said...

Joe Walsh is a racist, he supports pedophiles, what else does he have to do for people to stop sucking his nuts as if he was king of something?

Anonymous said...

I used to be #teamjoe when most were giving him a hard time not any more knowing he supports Warrbuck the pedo and mother abuser.

Anonymous said...

Joe Walsh Lives on the Leash of his Fat Jealous Insecure Girlfriend because he is stuck with her after knocking her up not one time but TWO. :) GOOD LUCK WITH THAT, BUDDY!!