Sunday, November 30, 2014

Foxman has the Cops at his house then gets banned for saying the N word

So quick recap from what happen if you don't want to watch the whole 48 min video.From what i can get Foxman was asleep on Camera and someone called the cops on him. Joewalsh then called foxman on skype to wake him up so the cops dont find him asleep under his desk spazzing. Foxman then got mad and start calling everyone the N word. The cops come again and this time with the fire department and the ambulance. Foxman rages calls everyone the n word Staff comes in and warns him.Staffs IM hims tells him to stop he tells Staff fuck you N*****.He gets banned then Mark starts casting and Fox trys to get unbanned after he clearly asked to be banned.


Anonymous said...

Too bad the ban wasn't for a week or longer. He should know better especially when he agreed and said out loud he would stop with the n bombs when staff system imed him asking him to stop. He stole the Vikki "act rite" but didn't.

Anonymous said...

Even hours later he is still arguing with Mark now on his own fb page. Foxman needs a ban longer than 24 hours. If it isn't longer Mark and Scruffy will look like fools. He needs a cooling off period, clearly the guy thinks he should get away with anything he does when in the wrong. I think Mark and Scruffy are jerks how they run the site at times but Foxman did this to himself now trying to make excuses for his behaviour like he always does. LOL at really no one coming to Foxman's defence.

Paquet90 said...

yeah i agree Mark needs to make a example out of this i got banned for over 2 months and foxman gets prob more then likely a hour 24hour banned that he asked for and he bitches about it . i was never warn ever every time i got banned and he got warned and he broke the rule again like wtf.

roco1122 said...

You got banned for that nasty jpeg you photoshopped of Mark and Scruffy shouldve been perma banned.

Anonymous said...

He spoke at scuttle's blog saying he got a 11 day ban LMAO good for the loser. HAHHAHAHAHAHA he thinks he is the exception to rules because he buys emotes or vcoins from the site.

Paquet90 said...

never made that photoshop you dumb idiot i only posted it and it was so that ODP would get banned go back to bed old man

Paquet90 said...

to the idiot that sent me a email saying dont watch a movie while recording the foxman video.i did not record it look at the name of the uploader idiot.