Monday, January 5, 2015

Chicky12 is back at it


Anonymous said...

Baddream is Neal, that woman can't get any more pathetic making an fool out of herself every time she is on main. Her facebook is funny to read she complains all the time with her posts. Too bad she doesn't wise up as to why she gets trolls coming at her. She posts on her facebook page how some girls from Battlecam are whores and drug addicts but then I see her on main asking Neal (baddream) if she can lick him asking over and over not answering her back LOL. inb4 Neal changes his name again. If he wants peace and mind from her he is going to have to make another account and not tell her who he is.

Anonymous said... (neals fb) (chicky12) (complaining again like she always does) lol