Saturday, February 14, 2015

Ryderbak the pedo?


Anonymous said...

Ryderback is a stupid moron. He makes statements like if you go to the gym to work out, you never leave your house. Stupid dumbass statement

simon aka ryderbak said...

jonathan you shrub rocketeer with your spaghetti stained wife beater, you're becoming desperate. i've said way worse than that lol. just because i called you out on a skype call and you had zero retort. you're weak and you have to search the blog archives fom 2 years ago to make a story about me in desperation. you lose, i win. i'm just making your desperation come out. you're another warrrbuck. another foxmanshawn, another alkidavid. i have the power to make and break people. i'm making you break yourself, ya two pin dim plug. lol. post more please

Anonymous said...

Ryder, didn't you say just a few days ago Paquet had the best blog going? Yeah you've said a lot of messed up things over the years. Stuff a cork in it. You have said you punched and beat your gf so she could lose her baby. Obviously, your brain is not wired properly. Who goes around joking about these things? Now you're going around calling out others? lmao, oh the irony.

Anonymous said...

This is pre-Greek haircut Ryderbak.

Anonymous said...

simon ryderbak is a very unwell man he doesnt really know how ill he actually is he needs sympathy and love something his father never gave him! he may dismiss this but hes in denial to himself he needed his dad and Alas this is the outcome a bitter young man who cant hold a relationship down.