Thursday, February 8, 2018

PlasmaMasterDon gave IP 1600$ for him to do Sexual Stuff on Skype

So i was on Scuttle Blog today and notice they were blogging about this guy and i remember this Screenshot i had from years ago that i had never posted. Now IP never sent me the videos he was suppose to send me so i figure i could post this since it been around 4-5 years now. Maybe this post will make him send me the stuff but hey. Anyways pretty much IP was saying Plasmadude had sent him 1600$ for him to do dirty shit on cam.Now i know IP is not the most reliable person out there but the guy hes talking about is about 70 years old and i tend to believe him. 

I went on his youtube channel and in 20 minutes this is what i found that was kinda alarming
(unfortunately he had Embedded turned off)
Here we have him rapping with a kid back in 2012
in this rap he says that they are on skype pretty much every day
why would a grown 70 year old man be on skype with young boys everyday ? 

And here we have him wishing Andy who is one of his Sub that just Turn 18 a Happy birthday
and telling Cheers drink up 

there is just something creepy about him is all

i had blog about him before here so it just adds creepy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This guy is a creep but I wouldn't believe anything IP says about a video he has doing dirty thinks for the guy for money.