Monday, August 19, 2013

Eddie Bravo on VL?

so right before i went to bed last night i went on the great VL and i seen a channel named eddiebravoradio i was like ok? this ight be a diffrent eddie bravo but no it was the real Eddie Bravo if you dont know who Eddie Bravo is he is one of the best jujitsu guys in the world and he is Joe Rogan Best friend and he is always on his podcast i have no idea how he found VL but this is the greatest thing they have ever had on there site last night he had del from GNR on his show i msg mark and scruffy but i dont think they have any idea who he is and how they have struck gold with having someone famous on there website they are on track on becoming the new ustream

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG did you have a good wank you faggot? #PaquetIsaHomo