Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tommy and Rightt love affair

So tonight i went in tommy room and someone was on skype i lather found out that his new lover was righttt/sinthirst/angie anyways they were talking on skype and righttt was saying that she hated vikki and she wanted her to be banned so then vikki calls tommy saying she loves him tommy hangs up unmods her and sarrian bans her and that was after Righttt dad or bf told her to shut the fuck up anyways has the night went on righttt kept saying the n word left and right and tommy had enough so hung up on her then i had the bright idea to troll tommy by making a fake invite miss scruffy that piss him off and got me banned anyways video will be posted when DFW finish uploading it so enjoy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice one by Sarrian banning the whoredawg. Ceejay did it as well and Tommy. The drunk getting a taste of what it's like to be banned by others. Tommy will keep trolling her till the day she dies. He might as well if he can't get rid of her and everyone knows he has no interest in her romantically.