Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Kitten vs Steelie

So this is the first time i record anything so give me a break 


Anonymous said...

Good job Paq!

LurkersAnonymous said...

wtf? i can't think of anything much more gross than airing your very private and dirty laundry online in front of several hundred strangers. i have been in several channels over the past few weeks and witnessed steelie picking away at kitten and implying a much more intimate relationship than she says they had. i guess she'd just had enough of it and wanted to address it publicly to make him stop the childish behaviour. w/e so, steelie claims he fucked kitten, and she denies it. his "proof" is that he has seen a birthmark (freckle) above her butt cheek, which she said is visible when she wears dresses in the summer (oh my! that's some dress lol). he says she's just embarrasssed to admit to the fucking (as if admitting that they were closer friends in the past wasn't bad enough lol). everything else she claims he has done, he says is true, but the fucking. later she says that he says and does stupid stuff and he blames it on a brain injury (i wonder if it was when eskimo johnny gave him a concussion when they knew each other as teenagers). i, myself, have witnessed him typing in chat in the past that he's going to go kill himself now, leaving a channel abruptly (i never screencapped it because i thought it was stupid but i'm sure others have seen it as well). "we had sweaters" is interesting but that little tidbit that is not being addressed might have happened (like a matching sweaters deal or something i'm guessing?) when they were closer and before she got freaked out that he actually moved into her town. later he tells us that she and her son are on his life insurance (the beneficiaries of his supposed 9 million dollar inherited fortune) which is apparently news to kitten. lol i hope he realizes that offing himself will fuck up that insurance policy ... the more i think about this the weirder it becomes. he's told many people he is rich but he sleeps in female's doorways or halls or some shit and hijack's foxman's shed instead of taking a taxi to a motel. she won't block him on her phone. why? she says he threatens suicide so she'll keep talking to him (she'd feel guilty if she refused a call and he did himself in or some shit). i have seen him many times threaten people he's annoyed with or butt hurt over. veiled threats like telling some dude in calgary "not to bother making plans for new year's because he's not going to make it" - a couple of weeks ago ... which i heard when he was on a skype call (i don't think anyone recorded it, not even channelzer0) ... that he's "rich and knows people" also implying he will have someone hurt or worse for a price, not out-right threatening them, just suggestive (veiled) ... that he's dying and doesn't give a fuck, again, implying that he doesn't care about repercussions like jail or whatever because he'll be dead soon anyway. there is definitely something out of order with this "kid" and a female would have to be bat shit crazy herself to hook up with him after witnessing what we did today. to be continued ... lol

LurkersAnonymous said...

continued from previous comment lol as i said in the comments section here earlier today http://scuttlescorner.blogspot.ca/2014/12/loveleigh-and-steeliehead.html i've known this guy (as much as anyone can really "know" someone online) for quite a few years and only really thought he was super arrogant, annoying and obnoxious as a chatter - flooding, spamming and disrupting chats with his nonsense (multiple duplicate music requests, emotes that he has proudly memorized (lol) etc - not super duper creepy as kitten has revealed today.
it's all he said/ she said but i'm kind of siding with kitten until i know more. and wasn't foxmanshawn proud as punch to draw a record (for him) crowd thanks to riding the coat tails of steelie and kitten's drama - over 400 viewers for hosting a skype call lol and that's what makes foxman the great broadcaster that he is lulz
p.s. i think my hyper-blabbiness makes up for the lack or wordage in paq's post. these pain killer are fantastic but i wouldn't recommend getting kidneys stones to get a hold of them. someone told me that walmart has a sale on live's so i'll be heading over there to purchase one this week. can i pick up one for anyone else while i'm there? =D
p.p.s. if don't make it through new years, you'll know who to tell the cops to look at first, folks.
however steelie denies reading blogs so i might be safe unless someone tattles on me =P

Anonymous said...

Foxman was enjoying that too much because he keeps thinking Steelie has a chance with her when he has interest in her himself. You can tell Foxman hates the fact he talks to her elsewhere. I think Steelie and her did have sexual relations.

Not bad for your 1st time recording Paquet I especially liked you included the chat you could actually READ IT unlike some who record.

I'm hearing Kitten has interest in Mark? LMAO I hope that's a joke and Don't get the fuss with this woman she isn't all that to look at. Steelie and Loveleigh are now a couple? I thought she was in a long distance relationship according to some video I seen at Scuttles where she says she is showing his photo on cam. Unless she made that whole story up. Of course Steelie reads the blogs LOL.

Look forward to more recordings.

Anonymous said...

I got in trouble with some of Shawn's mods for talking about Steelie and his weird history of showing up at people's doorsteps. I then went on to ask, what kind of person randomly shows up without calling? What kind of person spends the night sleeping in a shed? I was told to stop being mean and stop spreading lies about Steelie and was banned from Foxman's channel. I am glad this all came out to prove that I was making valid points months ago about this one called Steelie.